Fat Dude Digs Flicks Movie Podcasts
The podcast version of Fat Dude Digs Flicks, a dude on social media who is dedicated to reviewing movies and spreading his love for all things cinema.
This channel features Let’s Taco ‘Bout, an interview based podcast where Andy, The Fat Dude, chats with a guest about their life and a movie that has had a major impact it. It also features The Criterion Break, where cohosts Blake Ginithan, Derrick Veurink, and I pay tribute to the glory that is the Criterion Collection.
You can follow all things Fat Dude on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Letterboxd.
Fat Dude Digs Flicks Movie Podcasts
117. Let's Taco 'Bout The Cutting Edge featuring Brandi Price
It’s another Reconnect episode as the Fat Dude is joined by high school friend, actor, screenwriter, and producer, Brandi Price. Brandi has appeared in numerous shorts, TV series, and feature films including A Ghost Story, Before the Fall, The Challenger Disaster, and Amaraica. We reminisce on our high school days before discussing Brandi’s journey into film acting. Brandi tells stories of her experiences and offers some tips before we dive into the movie of the week, the 1992 romantic dramedy, The Cutting Edge.
Brandi can be found on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok @_brandiprice. She has two Facebook pages worth checking out: Brandi Price and Let’s Talk Movies. You can also check out her credits on IMDb and her website, Brandiprice.com.
Follow Fat Dude Digs Flicks across social media:
Facebook - Fat Dude Digs Flicks
Instagram - FatDudeDigsFlicks
Twitter - FatDudeFlicks
Letterboxd - FatDudeFlicks
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Check out Back Lot 605 and all that they are doing across social media and wherever your pods are caught, and at BackLot605.com.
If you’d like to contact me for any recommendations, questions, comments, concerns, or to be a future guest, you can send an email to FatDudeDigsFlicks@gmail.com.