Fat Dude Digs Flicks Movie Podcasts
The podcast version of Fat Dude Digs Flicks, a dude on social media who is dedicated to reviewing movies and spreading his love for all things cinema.
This channel features Let’s Taco ‘Bout, an interview based podcast where Andy, The Fat Dude, chats with a guest about their life and a movie that has had a major impact it. It also features The Criterion Break, where cohosts Blake Ginithan, Derrick Veurink, and I pay tribute to the glory that is the Criterion Collection.
You can follow all things Fat Dude on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Letterboxd.
Fat Dude Digs Flicks Movie Podcasts
51. Let's Taco 'Bout Toy Story
This week, the Fat Dude is looking at the Toy Story franchise. His favorite film series from Pixar just added another chapter. Is it on par with what came before? The Fat Dude also discusses Podcast Like It’s 1999 and briefly mentions two South Korean revenge thrillers that have stolen his heart recently.
Follow Fat Dude Digs Flicks across social media:
Facebook - Fat Dude Digs Flicks
Instagram - FatDudeDigsFlicks
Twitter - FatDudeFlicks
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I am on KELO-FM every Friday morning at 8:30 AM, taking about movies with Greg on The Greg Belfrage Morning Show, bringing the world together through the joy of cinema!
If you’d like to contact me for any recommendations, questions, comments, or concerns, you can email me at FatDudeDigsFlicks@gmail.com. If by some small chance you’d like to donate anything to offset the cost of movie tickets and this podcast, be it via a gift card to Cinemark or Fandango or a gift card to pay for a digital rental, you can also send that to the aforementioned email. Any recommendation will be mentioned and at least briefly reviewed in a future episode! If you can’t spare the dime, no worries. Please leave a rating and/or a review, and spread the word about this podcast.